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With an automatic brewer:
Add 1 ½ tbs ground coffee to filter basket (for every 6 oz. of water)
Add 6 oz. of water into coffee maker reservoir (per serving)
Close lid of coffee maker + turn machine on
When brewing is complete, pour & enjoy!
k-cup brewing method
With a single-cup coffee maker:
- Open the lid, and place your favorite Dunkin'® K-Cup® pod in the coffee chamber.
- If necessary, fill the water reservoir before brewing.
- Close the lid, place your coffee mug on the drink plate, select your cup size, and hit the brew button.
- Enjoy one perfect cup of Dunkin'® coffee in under a minute.
"Over Ice" Brew Method
Brew it hot. Serve it cold.
USE 1/2 the amount of water as the hot brewing method.
Add 1 ½ tbs ground coffee to filter basket (for every 6 oz. of water). Add 3 oz. of water into coffee maker reservoir (per serving). Close lid of coffee maker + turn machine on. When brewing is complete, pour over ice and enjoy!
Cup Calculator
Enter how many cups of coffee you want to make.
Cups of Coffee
Use the following measurements:
__ tbsp. of grounds
__ cups of water